Monday, March 21, 2011

Blogging you can see I have not been a very good blogger, life and work tend to take over and I somehow find that I have more to do, than time to do it in.  I had a lot of projects going and  have completed quite a bit.  My studio is up and running, I still need a sign, and pictures on the walls.  I am soo thankful to my family who have been such a tremendous help with the studio.  I created a facebook fan page please feel free to go check it out and become a fan!  My client base continues to go and this...I just love.
I started photography to give me something to do when my girls left for college, it has been such a great project and I am so thankful for it.  I do miss my girls everyday, but I am becoming more comfortable with the fact that they are an hour and a half away and they do come home.  Lol!

My beautiful daughters

Ok, so anyway, I will work harder on keeping up with my blogging.  To promise I will blog every night...well that would just be a crazy statement.  I will see what I can do!  Lol! 


  1. Your daughters are just beautiful...and so is your photography! Kristine :)

  2. Thank you Kristine! I think they are beautiful, but I could be alittle bias! Lol!
